Hmm. Based on your reasons, an extension to FileInputFormat for the lib package seems more in order.

I'll try to hack something up and file a Jira issue.


On Feb 3, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Doug Cutting wrote:

Hi, Ian.

One reason is that a MapFile is represented by a directory containing two files named "index" and "data". SequenceFileInputFormat handles MapFiles too by, if an input file is a directory containing a data file, using that file.

Another reason is that's what reduces generate.

Neither reason implies that this is the best or only way of doing things. It would probably be better if FileInputFormat optionally supported recursive file enumeration. (It would be incompatible and thus cannot be the default mode.)

Please file an issue in Jira for this and attach your patch.



Ian Soboroff wrote:
Is there a reason FileInputFormat only traverses the first level of directories in its InputPaths? (i.e., given an InputPath of 'foo', it will get foo/* but not foo/bar/*). I wrote a full depth-first traversal in my custom InputFormat which I can offer as a patch. But to do it I had to duplicate the PathFilter classes in FileInputFormat which are marked private, so a mainline patch would also touch FileInputFormat.

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