Hey TCK,

We use HDFS+FUSE solely as a storage solution for a application which doesn't understand MapReduce. We've scaled this solution to around 80Gbps. For 300 processes reading from the same file, we get about 20Gbps.

Do consider your data retention policies -- I would say that Hadoop as a storage system is thus far about 99% reliable for storage and is not a backup solution. If you're scared of getting more than 1% of your logs lost, have a good backup solution. I would also add that when you are learning your operational staff's abilities, expect even more data loss. As you gain experience, data loss goes down.

I don't believe we've lost a single block in the last month, but it took us 2-3 months of 1%-level losses to get here.


On Feb 4, 2009, at 11:51 AM, TCK wrote:

Hey guys,

We have been using Hadoop to do batch processing of logs. The logs get written and stored on a NAS. Our Hadoop cluster periodically copies a batch of new logs from the NAS, via NFS into Hadoop's HDFS, processes them, and copies the output back to the NAS. The HDFS is cleaned up at the end of each batch (ie, everything in it is deleted).

The problem is that reads off the NAS via NFS don't scale even if we try to scale the copying process by adding more threads to read in parallel.

If we instead stored the log files on an HDFS cluster (instead of NAS), it seems like the reads would scale since the data can be read from multiple data nodes at the same time without any contention (except network IO, which shouldn't be a problem).

I would appreciate if anyone could share any similar experience they have had with doing parallel reads from a storage HDFS.

Also is it a good idea to have a separate HDFS for storage vs for doing the batch processing ?

Best Regards,

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