
I've gotten a few replies on this, but I'd really like to know who
else is coming. Just send me a quick note :)


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Bradford
Stephens<> wrote:
> Hey all, just a friendly reminder that this is Wednesday! I hope to see
> everyone there again. Please let me know if there's something interesting
> you'd like to talk about -- I'll help however I can. You don't even need a
> Powerpoint presentation -- there's many whiteboards. I'll try to have a
> video cam, but no promises.
> Feel free to call at 904-415-3009 if you need directions or any questions :)
> ~~~~~~`
> Greetings,
> On the heels of our smashing success last month, we're going to be
> convening the Pacific Northwest (Oregon and Washington)
> Hadoop/HBase/Lucene/etc. meetup on the last Wednesday of June, the
> 24th.  The meeting should start at 6:45, organized chats will end
> around  8:00, and then there shall be discussion and socializing :)
> The meeting will be at the University of Washington in
> Seattle again. It's in the Computer Science building (not electrical
> engineering!), room 303, located
> here:,70,792,660
> If you've ever wanted to learn more about distributed computing, or
> just see how other people are innovating with Hadoop, you can't miss
> this opportunity. Our focus is on learning and education, so every
> presentation must end with a few questions for the group to research
> and discuss. (But if you're an introvert, we won't mind).
> The format is two or three 15-minute "deep dive" talks, followed by
> several 5 minute "lightning chats". We had a few interesting topics
> last month:
> -Building a Social Media Analysis company on the Apache Cloud Stack
> -Cancer detection in images using Hadoop
> -Real-time OLAP on HBase -- is it possible?
> -Video and Network Flow Analysis in Hadoop vs. Distributed RDBMS
> -Custom Ranking in Lucene
> We already have one "deep dive" scheduled this month, on truly
> scalable Lucene with Katta. If you've been looking for a way to handle
> those large Lucene indices, this is a must-attend!
> Looking forward to seeing everyone there again.
> Cheers,
> Bradford
> -- The Fringes of Distributed Computing,
> Computer Science, and Social Media.

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