Hello Andrew,

AMD SB800-ish southbridges will only selectively fetch BIOS from LPC or SPI
based on straps. Your board won't fetch from LPC unless you change the strap
(which are unknown resistors on your board).

Your best option is SPI in-system programming, and you can just use the SPI
header that is already in place. There are some cheap SPI wigglers supported
by flashrom.


On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 7:30 AM, Andrew Bolster <m...@andrewbolster.info>wrote:

> Hi folks;
> I've got a MSI350IA-E45 board, which is a AMD fam 14h board with a AMD
> SB700/800 southbridge. I'd like to contribute by porting coreboot to the
> board, but I'm not sure where to start; there's no LPC header!
> I threw together a patch-cable for my secondary LPC bios, and the board
> doesn't explode when I use the cable (always a good sign) but it doesn't
> appear to effect the boot; I assume that the stock bios is refusing to let
> it take over.
> There is an SPI header, but I don't have an SPI ROM emulator, so at this
> point, what are my options? Is there a way to force the board to look at the
> TPM/LPC socket?
> Regards
> Andrew Bolster
> <http://andrewbolster.info/blog/?utm_source=correspondence&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Personal%2BEmail><http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewbolster><http://facebook.com/andrew.bolster><http://twitter.com/bolster>
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