2014-03-12 11:23 GMT+01:00 yu chyuan fu <fuh0...@gmail.com>:

> Hi All
> I am a novice with coreboot. I successfully build coreboot.rom follow
> www.coreboot.org.
> Now i want to burn it to flash chips. I tried using the vendors provide
> flash utility write to flash chips, it's can write success.

The vendor BIOS bootblock was likely left intact/untouched.

> I plug in 0x80 debug card to mainboard then power on, coreboot stop
> working and debug card output code is 0x02.

My guess is that the vendor BIOS' bootblock shows that particular code.
The files behind these links do not include POST code 0x02:

Did you compile crossgcc right before 'make menuconfig'?

> I suspect vendors provide flash utility maybe not support coreboot when i
> reference 
> FAQ<http://www.coreboot.org/FAQ#How_do_I_.28re-.29flash_the_BIOS.3F> page
> describe how to flash the BIOS.
> The FAQ page suggest use the universal flash utility called flashrom.So,
> if i don't use flashrom utility write to flash chips , even my
> coreboot.rom is good,it always can't work?
> Thanks!!
> --
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> http://www.coreboot.org/mailman/listinfo/coreboot
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