A new post titled "[GSoC] EC/H8S firmware week #5" has been published on the coreboot blog. Find the full post at http://blogs.coreboot.org/blog/2015/07/06/gsoc-ech8s-firmware-week-5/

The T40 is flashing leds! The toolchain is still a little bit tricky. I’m using the debian package gcc-h8300-hms, written a small linker script and took the startup assembly routine from Johann Gysin’s led radiator.

Now I can flash leds. But what about booting the board? I would say it’s enough to put

  • (!MAINOFF) = high
  • FAN ON = high
  • pulse high on (!PWRSW_H8)

But it’s not enough. Also the FAN isn’t starting to rotate. I’ll try to debug every pin this week and solder some debug pins for the 2nd EC (PMHx) to the my modified T40 as well as to an unmodified T42p. The H8S is talking to the PMHx via SPI, while the H8S is the master and is doing bit banging SPI in software, because it doesn’t have a hardware unit for that. I’ll also use these pins for testing my SPI implementation. I’ll try to reuse an open source SPI implementation.

I also asked me if it’s a good idea to port coreboot for the T40 before continuing any efforts to the EC, but it’s a little bit harder, because the T40 uses a LPC/FWH flash in a TSOP40 case. Another option is changing the hardware to a board which is already supported by coreboot like a x60/t60 or x201. But it’s much more harder to access the 8 pins for flashing the EC on these boards.

Before switching to another board, the powersequencing must work and I need a robust recovery way, because when you kill the EC by flashing a new firmware, you don’t get a second chance, unless you solder a lot. Chrome EC fix this problem by splitting the EC firmware into 2 parts. One read-only part and one read-write’able part. Only the second part gets updated and the read-only part can at least boots the device.

Before starting the H8S port for Chrome EC I want to have a bootloader. Because it would improve developing speed. I think implement this is much faster than doing the full Chrome EC support and most of the bootloader code can be re-used for Chrome EC.

I’m also not perfectly sure Chrome EC is the best solution. It’s special use-case is EC, which is perfect. But neither the documentation (I think there is more than one page) nor the bugtracker is public. Thus it makes difficult to use. I’m also not sure if Chrome EC would apply my H8S port into their repository.

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