Hi Iru Cai,

take a look at this http://review.coreboot.org/#/c/11765/ change.
But beware there can be issues with that port.

Regards Zaolin

> Hi,
> I installed coreboot on my Lenovo ThinkPad T420 laptop today, and I'd
> like to share some experience and hope some one can solve some issues
> on it.
> First, I built the T420s port and flashed it to the T420 laptop.
> Fortunately, the laptop could be brought up and boot to Linux.
> However, several USB ports didn't function properly(except the one
> for EHCI debug) because of the difference between T420s and T420
> model. Now I've checked and used the code from the result generated
> from autoport, and all the USB ports work fine.
> However, the devicetree.cb file generated from autoport does not work
> properly. I use GRUB payload with native graphic init. When I use the
> T420s devicetree.cb, it works fine, but with the autoport
> devicetree.cb, only the backlight is on and nothing displays. At last
> I built a kernel for GRUB payload, and the kernel handled the display
> properly, then I reflashed another ROM with flashrom to unbrick my
> laptop.
> So can some one give me some instruction on devicetree.cb file? And
> another thing, how can I submit the code to the coreboot repository?
> Is symlinks to another source files allowed in the source tree?
> Iru Cai
> -- 
> coreboot mailing list: coreboot@coreboot.org
> http://www.coreboot.org/mailman/listinfo/coreboot

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