Dear coreboot folks,

As many of you know, last week was not pretty [1]. Unfortunately, no
solution was found.

Chances are slim, that the involved parties will get along in the
future, but hopefully they will.

I had hoped, that the community would have been asked for help before
to find a solution, that (all?) the money could not be raised.

Also, the coreboot project has the source code for the Asus KCMA-D8,
and the REACTS infrastructure is run to build test the board to find

I propose, that the community steps in for Minifree(?) and raises the
$15,000 instead to settle the debts, forget about it and go on.

I’ll take my 1000 € pledge for the TALOS workstation and put 500 € on
top, so ten percents are covered.

Is anybody with me? Smaller amounts are as welcome as bigger. If nobody
else wants to, I would note down the amounts, already transferred.

Having not done that before, I hope tax rules and regulations don’t
make that difficult. Please advice how to best transfer the money.

I believe in our community, and I am hopeful to settle this.



[1] see the thread *ASUS KCMA-D8 workstation board port offer*

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