On 01/30/2017 07:09 PM, taii...@gmx.com wrote:

On 01/30/2017 11:53 AM, Philipp Stanner wrote:

I'm going to buy a new laptop soon (has to have a touchscreen) and am
considering buying one which supports coreboot.

Which model would that be?

>From what the wiki tells me The X220 is supported best, thanks to
Vladimir, but also the X201 is listed in the green area.

The wiki lists some noticeable issues for the X201, though. Still it's
green. Are those issues (especially "The X201 immedeatly powers off
after resuming from suspend resulting a completely lost session
sometimes (Race condition)" still unsolved?


Maybe the lenovo G505S? it is AMD pre-PSP.

Nevermind it doesn't have a touch screen apparently.

The x220i (i think the i is the one with the touch screen, forgot the model variant - there is another non-touch model) would be your best choice if a touch screen is mandatory, it has ME although you can use ME cleaner to remove the significant bits which makes it slightly better and it has native ram init.

Coreboot on brand new laptops isn't actually coreboot like it used to be, it has been reduced to a pathetic vestige of its former self - simply a shim loader layer that does next to nothing besides get the purism phonies all excited for a "free" firmware laptop.

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