A new post titled "coreboot is joining the Software Freedom Conservancy" has been published on the coreboot blog. Find the full post at http://blogs.coreboot.org/blog/2017/02/22/coreboot-is-joining-the-software-freedom-conservancy/

The coreboot project applied to join the Software Freedom Conservancy and has been approved for membership by their board.  There is still some work to be done in hammering out the governance details, but we hope to have everything completed by April.

Joining the SFC as coreboot’s fiscal sponsor will allow us to go forward with fundraising, and that all donations to the coreboot project from the United States will be tax-deductible.  Up to this point, coreboot hasn’t had any official way to accept donations or payments.  This has meant that the project was mainly supported financially by members of the coreboot leadership, which has put some limitations on what we were able to do.

Another of the things that joining the SFC means is that we will be formalizing and fully documenting the coreboot leadership structure.  This is one of the Conservancy’s requirements, and something that they will help the project with.

The Conservancy offers a number of other services to its members. We encourage everyone to take a look at the SFC, and to consider joining as individual supporters.

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