* taii...@gmx.com <taii...@gmx.com> [170317 23:35]:
> I believe it needs fixing - It is a philosophical issue, I mean you have to
> draw the line or you get the slippery slope for "just a little non-free here
> for convenience just this once" has lead to most of the community thinking
> that a system with 100% blobbed hw init is "free firmware" (coreboot just
> being a wrapper shim loader for FSP in that case) or that linux drivers with
> a binary blob are "open source drivers".
> It is a matter of pride.
> The linux communities quiet acceptance of things like ME/PSP (ex: why don't
> sysadmins say no and buy POWER?) - is because of philosophy-slacking.
Nothing about this is quiet. We have been actively working with hardware
vendors to open up as much stuff as possible, for a good two decades

The reason is not philosophy-slacking. Because philosophy makes you feel
righteous, but it does not get any work done. Instead of having this
discussion (and making hundreds of people read it) this community could
spend the same time making coreboot better and mentoring the corporate
community members.

The sooner we get away from an "us vs them" mentality, the faster we can
be actually changing things.


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