Dear coreboot folks,

I’d be great, if you took a few minutes to upload the status of your
board to the board status repository [1].

Please make sure, that in the coreboot repository `git describe --
dirty` doesn’t return a string with *dirty* in it. Often it is caused
by changes in the directory `3rdparty`, which you can fix by running
`make gitconfig` and `git sup`.

Please also make sure to configure at least a valid email address in
git, so in case of questions you can be contacted.

Note, SeaBIOS master is currently broken, meaning that, there are huge
delays if a TPM chip is not found [2]. So, please stay with 1.11.0 or
1.11.1 until the patches [3] are added to SeaBIOS’ master branch.

Thank you for your help,


PS: I am aware, that the board status script needs to be made more user
friendly, but as long as nobody has time to improve it, it’s what we

[1] util/board_status/README

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