> You really seem to miss the point of free software.

Okay, now this is starting to get personal again, let's please not go
there. You too have been among those who spoke out against that in that
derailment thread recently. It's insulting to insinuate that some of us
don't understand or don't care about free software just because we're
working for a big company. You also don't need to educate me about the
spirit of the GPL or the fundamental travesty of jumping back and forth
between blobs and GPL code a dozen times during a single boot and calling
it okay because it's "technically not linking". I am aware of these things
and I'm not happy about them either. But there have been blobs in most
boards that were added to this project since before I started working on it
and there will keep being blobs for the foreseeable future. You are not
going to convince Intel to open-source their FSP by yelling at fellow
coreboot developers about it. It's the reality we live in. This discussion
started (as I understood it) about how we can make the blob situation we
*are* living with a little better, so let's keep it focused on that.

> As long as everybody
> adheres to the copyleft, you can do things on your own. If a blob ends
> up being only useful for a single board, ok. Should somebody be able to
> sell his product with it, sure. But why should the community maintain
> that shit (partially on the shoulders of volunteers) if it doesn't pro-
> vide what free software provides?

"That shit" allows people to build custom firmware for the hardware that
they bought, which I think is a very important and worthwhile benefit on
its own. For Chromebooks, a whole little ecosystem of custom ROMs and build
instructions has developed around this. Do you want to take that away from
everyone just because some of the blobs may be mainboard specific? (And
again, as far as I am aware most blobs aren't really tied to a specific
mainboard, they're just SoC support which may or may not have been written
to include whatever peripheral support a particular mainboard needs. You
are really just complaining that peripheral support which the existing
mainboards didn't need is not implemented yet, which is a situation that
can happen just as well on a fully blob-free board.)

It's not just free software when you can port it to a completely new
mainboard, in the same way that the coreboot core code is still free
software even though you can't automatically port it to any new chipset.
You can still add features or make changes to customize behavior for an
existing board. You can make it boot your own operating system with custom
calling convention, add some code signing or measuring framework, or make
it play the Jeopardy melody on the speaker while it's booting. That, too,
is a benefit of free software.

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