Dear Mike,

Thank you for your answer.

Am 04.03.21 um 18:15 schrieb Mike Banon:
Hi Paul, as for me I could successfully run KolibriOS in QEMU/i440fx
4MB with coreboot and SeaBIOS. Here's my sequence of actions:

git clone
cd ./coreboot/
make crossgcc-i386
run a csb_patcher script from , mainly for the
SeaBIOS multiple floppies patch and to auto-download the floppy
make menuconfig , then choose QEMU/i440fx and 4 MB (0x00400000 CBFS size)
./ flop
add all the floppies that you'd like, then run a command
qemu-system-x86_64 -L . -m 256 -vga vmware -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user 
-soundhw ac97 -usb -usbdevice tablet -bios ./build/coreflop.rom -serial stdio

As you see I'm not using KVM - that's because I don't have this kernel
module installed on a PC I'm at the moment. I believe your problem is
related to the QEMU flags - please start with my set of flags which is
more-or-less guaranteed to work, and slowly change one-by-one to your
liking. For your testing purposes,

Here's my coreflop image - , sha256 sums
dec8577a76bf190c72f69a4b7fe4f8ef53d53af19ac6890485311da7dd6eb2d5  ./coreflop.rom
coreboot revision - b77cf2299c516a7f5a9a4eccad2b21157278a283

I can successfully run your image with my QEMU command line.

qemu-system-i386 -bios coreflop.rom -L /dev/shm -enable-kvm -smp cpus=2 -m 512M -serial stdio -nic none

After several hours of testing old versions, I read your script again and the SeaBIOS documentation, and then my error became clear.

As a floppy image the KolibriOS file has to be added with the prefix `floppyimg/` in CBFS instead of `img/`.

build/cbfstool build/coreboot.rom add -n floppyimg/kolibrios.lzma -f kolibri.img -t raw -c lzma

You may also play with the other floppies inside if you'd like - it's fun!

It indeed was fun, and it’s great to see what’s possible to accomplish with such small programs.

Kind regards,


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