Am 27.05.21 um 11:22 schrieb Urja Rannikko:
>>> Currently, on libera there are 46 people and on OFTC 2 people (me included).
>>> So I would say let's move to libera.
>> Agreed. Let’s do what most members in #coreboot users already did.
> +1
> I know I'm not a regular contributor or anything, but fwiw currently
> the only channels keeping me connected to freenode are #coreboot and
> #flashrom (I assume flashrom will just tag along where coreboot goes),
> so .. let's go, we've watched this long enough.

The shipped flashrom binaries, the man page and the README mention IRC

I think we should start with pointing users to a web page
instead of mentioning IRC in case another move (Matrix, IRC, Discord,
whatever) is needed or desired. Once such a patch is committed, we would
have to get all the distribution packages updated to point to the new
location. Doable, but it's a lot of work.

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