> while copying the coreboot/SeaBIOS installation (folder coreboot)
> to a USB stick I got the following error message:
> Error with copying of >>usb_tcpm_v2_rev30_fuzz.c<<.
> With copying of the file to ... /coreboot/3rdparty/-chromeec/fuzz an error 
> occurred.
> The file system doesn't support symbolic links
> Cancel | Skip all | Skip
> What can I do?

Two choices come to my mind:

1. Don't copy the folder to the stick as-is but instead create an archive
(something like .tar, .tar.gz or .zip) of the folder first and then
copy that single file to the stick.

Exactly how to do that depends on the tools you're using. I'd suggest
to right-click on the coreboot folder on the hard drive and see if
there's any promising option in the menu that opens.

2. Reformat the stick partition with a filesystem that supports symbolic
links, e.g. ext4.

Kind regards

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