On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 5:06 AM, CoreUtils subscribtion for PLC
<coreutils_at_gnu....@montfranc.com> wrote:
> yes can answer no :-D
> thus "yes n | cp -i" should do the job

The warning messages are at the same line. Is there a way to make each
warning message printed in a different line?

mkdir -p c d/c
echo c/a > c/a.txt
echo c/b > c/b.txt
echo d/c/a > d/c/a.txt
echo d/c/b > d/c/b.txt
yes n | cp -i -r c d
cp: overwrite ‘d/c/a.txt’? cp: overwrite ‘d/c/b.txt’?
yes n$'\n' | cp -i -r c d
cp: overwrite ‘d/c/a.txt’? cp: overwrite ‘d/c/b.txt’?


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