On 02/06/2018 04:02 PM, Kamil Dudka wrote:
> If you revert it now, the change will not be observable by users of Red Hat 
> Enterprise Linux as well as many other distributions with long term support.

FWIW e.g. (open)SUSE ever had a wrapper around ls:

* SLES11.3:

  $ type ls
  ls is aliased to `ls $LS_OPTIONS'

  $ echo $LS_OPTIONS
  -N --color=tty -T 0

* openSUSE-Tumbleweed (20180129):

  $ type ls
  ls is aliased to `_ls'

  $ type _ls
  _ls is a function
  _ls ()
      local IFS=' ';
      command ls $LS_OPTIONS ${1+"$@"}

  $ echo $LS_OPTIONS
  -N --color=tty -T 0

Strangely enough, this setting does not come with the coreutils package
but with aaa_base or aaa_base-extras.

I removed -N from LS_OPTIONS. ;-)

Have a nice day,

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