Hi folks,

Sorry for the large cross-post, but wanted to be sure everyone is a little 
aware of this.

The latest EAT draft  
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-rats-eat-11> efines CDDL for 
a Claims-Set, the main collection of label-value pairs that is central to CWT 
and JWT. It is intended to work for both CBOR and JSON (and maybe other 
encodings). When you want to define a new claim for a CWT or JWT you can write 
it in CDDL and both the CBOR protocol implementer and JSON protocol implementer 
know what to do. Should even work with the CDDL validation tools. See here 

There’s a few other things in this EAT draft:
The Claims-Set CDDL applies to UCCS
It defines UJCS (which is a one-liner in CDDL) in case you don’t want to use 
JWT NULL algorithm for something like EAT Attestation Results
It defines a way to put a CWT inside a JWT and vice versa since EAT needs 
nested tokens

A common format for signed/encrypted/unsecured collections of CBOR/JSON 
label-value pairs seems generally useful for more than just EAT. The common 
format could give some code re use too.

I’m not sure that this belongs in the EAT draft. I put it in EAT to get it 
published in a coherent way for the basis of discussion. I’m expecting 
discussion of this in the RATS sessions at IETF 112 (Chairs / ADs, maybe you 
have an opinion on where further discussion can happen).


P.S. This turned up some issues around how CDDL for CBOR+JSON works and how to 
validate with the cddl validation tool:
Integer vs text labels
How to represent byte strings so they get b64 encoded and validate
An alternative to CBOR tags for JSON

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