Hello everyone,

attempting to summarize here:

* Ben and Michael made the argument[1][2] that older software will not
  recognize a kid2 just the same as it won't recognize a kid (and that
  either feature needs to be negotiated in a deployment plan).

  (Convincing Laurence[3] and Orie[4] who argued for a separate entry

* There is the open question of semantics -- whether these two kinds of
  values inhabit a single semantic value space (i.e., the int are a
  compressed form of some string) or whether they inhabit a typed space
  where an integer is distinct from every byte string. Carsten posed on
  [5], with a concrete suggestion.

  AIU this is still open, with the trade-off being between API impact (a
  single value space can be transparently exposed by the old API), code
  point efficiency and possibly others.

  Discussion is still ongoing.

Hoping I got all the latest points; I trust you complain loudly if you
feel misrepresented.


[1]: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/cose/Z6J1ZScV_PzlLQ5tNdUMTDjR2IY/
[2]: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/cose/gztr1WhdzXT0LPRR7oLVbZI2qAw/
[3]: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/cose/0Gqhj3I1TqRyW_AprOs26PgC5bY/
[4]: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/cose/ozG-jYrFpcr1HrmGw9SNxAp3kuQ/
[5]: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/cose/1EXuPcjrGWSXNTk4rw2Ffp6Jpnk

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 02:13:50PM +0100, Laurence Lundblade wrote:
> Thinking about Mike’s comment today in COSE/Vienna about backwards 
> compatibility. Looked at my code around this. That definitely seems like an 
> issue. 
> What about defining “kid2” as just int? “kid” stays as bstr only. Then 
> there’s no backwards compatibility break. Adding support for another integer 
> parameter isn’t difficult. The downside is a little extra code to look at two 
> different parameters.
> You’d probably want to say that only one of the two kids MUST be present.
> Another random idea — could you say that it is allowed to translate an 
> integer kid to a bstr kid by assuming network byte order and stripping 
> leading zeros? 
> LL
> > On Aug 13, 2021, at 3:01 AM, Laurence Lundblade <l...@island-resort.com> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Understood about the use case. Thx for the background.
> > 
> >> On Aug 10, 2021, at 3:13 AM, Göran Selander 
> >> <goran.selander=40ericsson....@dmarc.ietf.org 
> >> <mailto:goran.selander=40ericsson....@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:
> >> 
> >> Assume that we do want to allow key identifiers to be CBOR ints in certain 
> >> settings,  what is the best (least intrusive) way to allow this while 
> >> still maintain compatibility with 'kid's supporting the type bstr? Another 
> >> alternative to what has been listed below is to define 'kid2' to only be 
> >> of type int - is that a better option?
> > 
> > I didn’t write actual code to check, but they about the same to me.
> > 
> > ‘kid' as int/bstr seems less confusing to me than ‘kid2’. It tells you it 
> > does exactly the same thing whether it is an int or a bstr.
> > 
> > So my pick is ‘kid’, but ‘kid2’ is OK too.
> > 
> > LL

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On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 12:00:24AM +0100, Carsten Bormann wrote:
> On 21. Mar 2022, at 23:20, Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca> wrote:
> > 
> >> kid => int / bstr
> > 
> > It's one of the features of CBOR, as a self-describing format, that we can
> > introduce new ways to do things.
> Indeed.
> So this is obviously an extension.  Old implementations can’t use the new 
> data items enabled by that extension.
> New implementations don’t have problems with old data items, so we call this 
> backwards compatible, but not forward compatible.
> We didn’t identify this as an extension point, so the lack of forward 
> compatibility is likely to be universal — if you use an integer kid, old 
> systems overwhelmingly will not understand you.
> Now, there is also API compatibility — can you upgrade the COSE library 
> without upgrading the using application.
> I’d like to ask those who are proposing kid => int / bytes: are the two kid 
> name spaces disjoint (so you need an API extension, too), or is an integer 
> kid just a way to express the same kid as was already possible to express 
> using a byte string kid.  Another way to say the latter is that all kids are 
> byte strings and the integer representation is just a compressed way to 
> express such a byte string.  Obviously, the latter way to interpret kids is 
> slightly less efficient, because there are now two ways to express certain 
> kids.  But the change is also local, i.e. you can do it in your library 
> without changing anything else.
> If we go for the latter, we will want to make sure that in particular the 
> integers -24..23 map to useful byte strings and v.v.  Note that there is no 
> need to make these byte strings short; e.g., a decimal representation (‘-24’ 
> to ‘-1’ and ‘0' to ’23’ in CBOR DN), or maybe an octal one (’50’ to ’77’ and 
> ’00’ to ’27’) would work well.  We don’t even need to support integers 
> outside -24..23.
> Grüße, Carsten
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