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I have problem to secure my java web application with Cosign filter on
Apache Tomcat and I want to ask you kindly for help.

I followed tutorial from http://www.itcs.umich.edu/itcsdocs/s4364/#java.

And I have few questions here ..

First of all is to web.xml file and cosignConfig.xml file.
I have both of these files in %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf folder (Also
jaas.config and keystore.jks files). Is it ok?

On Tomcat I need to secure web application placed at %TOMCAT_HOME
Should I define Cosign filter mappings in %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf/web.xml as
Or in %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/myapplication/WEB-INF/web.xml file?
Or in cosignConfig.xml as <service
(It's not so clear what protected element means)

Also element "Location Handler: You may need to add this directory to
your application in order for the web container to recognize the
request." is unclear for me. Where exactly should be "/cosign/valid"
folder? In %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/myapplication/cosign/valid or %
TOMCAT_HOME%/ROOT/cosign/valid ?
Value is set to <LocationHandlerRef>/cosign/valid</LocationHandlerRef>
What does this value means? And what is purpose of this folder ?

I have already achieved protecting simple helloRemoteUser.jsp (mapped as
url filer mapping in web.xml), then cosign filter redirected me to login
server and after successfully log in I am redirected to url defined in
service in cosignConfig.xml file. Which is now defined as
"http://hostname:8080/cosign/valid/"; and here I am desperate. What
should be defined in service as success returned url and how to get
request.getRemoteUser() working. Currently is method returning null if I
assign this (/cosign/valid) url to servler which displays request

Is there 
Can this be caused by Java JAAS principals policy on windows? 
Is necessarily to use MS IE browser? 

Thanks very much for some help.

Tomas Filip

Environment informations:

Included cosign libraries in myapplication lib directory and %
TOMCAT_HOME%/lib directory.


Apache Tomcat 6.0.32
Jdk 1.5.0_15
JavaCosign 3.0.0 RC0

Attachment: web-uminch.xml
Description: XML document

Attachment: cosignConfig-uminch.xml
Description: XML document

 edu.umich.auth.cosign.CosignLoginModule required;

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