I've got a java application that we'd like to protect with cosign.  We'd
really prefer to put it behind apache httpd + mod_proxy (mod_ajp_proxy).
We need access to some of the environment variables set by mod_cosign
(specifically KRB5CCNAME).  mod_ajp_proxy will make any environment
variable prefixed with AJP_ available to the tomcat environment.

I'd prefer to not have to build custom versions of mod_cosign, mod_rewrite
or mod_ajp_proxy if I can avoid it.

Some googling pointed me at..


which suggests..

while for mod_proxy_ajp, you have to use mod_rewrite to prepend AJP_ prefix
to variables that you want to send:
<IfModule mod_proxy_ajp.c>
   RewriteRule .* - [E=AJP_SSL_CLIENT_S_DN:%{SSL:SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}]

The mod_rewrite docs suggest that I* *have access to various groups of
environment variables.. but the ones I'm interested in are not in their
list of blessed variables.  The docs suggest that I *might* be able to get
to them using the ENV or LA-U namespaces...


...but I haven't had any success in getting them set *and* populated.

Any ideas?

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