Hey folks -

I know this might seem like a silly idea, but I don't suppose that
someone's written a PAM module that authenticates using cosign?

We're using Cosign to be the authentication provider for our shib
installation.  One of the shibboleth endpoints (ECP) is for providing
shibboleth based authentication to non-browser based applications.
That endpoint needs to present itself as "Basic Auth".   Our cosign
installation primarily authenticates against kerberos, and our LDAP
servers do simple binds against kerberos, so I /could/ protect the ECP
endpoint using mod_auth_kerb or mod_authnz_ldap.. but I was trying to
figure out if I could do something that would authenticate against
cosign itself - so it was backend agnostic (so it would also support
Friend logins).

I don't want to permit the friend database more broadly that it is
currently, nor do I wish to expose the connection information for the
friend database beyond our cosign servers.  So, it seems like the best
tactic would be to authenticate directly against cosign (and PAM came
to mind.. probably for use w/ mod_auth_external..)



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