On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 10:17 PM, Andrew Mortensen <and...@weblogin.org>wrote:

>This should be possible using mod_substitute:
>         <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_substitute.html>
Thanks, Andrew.   Good to know of "mod_substitute".

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Mark Montague <m...@catseye.org> wrote:

> I would think very carefully before having a front-end (httpd) modify
> content generated by a back-end (Tomcat).  While this is possible, it is
> fragile, inelegant, and potentially difficult to support.  I'd be most
> concerned about the potential for breakage when something changes on the
> back-end (e.g., an upgrade).
Yes.  I would like to do it in Tomcat for sure.

> You ask, "is there a way for Tomcat to find out that a URI is secure if
> HTTPD is the one that protects the URIs?"  The answer to this is "yes":
>  use mod_headers to pass information to Tomcat as request headers.  You can
> do this with any environment variable that is set by httpd -- here is an
> example from a web application that cares about both the user's identity as
> well as which factors the user was authenticated with:

>     RewriteCond %{LA-F:REMOTE_USER} (.+)
>     RewriteRule ^.*$ - [E=X_REMOTE_USER:%1]
>     # Don't allow the client web browser to inject these headers. Also,
>     # unsetting them and then setting them below with an env=...
> conditional
>     # ensures that the headers will not get the value "(null)" when they
>     # are passed to the proxy backend.
>     RequestHeader unset X-Remote-User
>     RequestHeader unset X-Cosign-Factor
>     # Now set headers appropriately, if and only if values are available:
>     RequestHeader set X-Remote-User %{X_REMOTE_USER}e env=X_REMOTE_USER
>     RequestHeader set X-Cosign-Factor %{COSIGN_FACTOR}e env=COSIGN_FACTOR

> Most web applications would not care about the factors, only whether the
> user was authenticated.  You would then have your Java code look to see if
> a request header named X-Remote-User was present and set to a non-empty
> value; if it is, the URI is being protected by cosign, and the Java code
> can add a logout button to the page it is generating.
Perfect!  Thanks for the directives, Mark.

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