On Mar 4, 2014, at 7:26 AM, Matt Snell <msn...@brandeis.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm implementing a second factor and would like to confirm that I'm not 
> missing something important.
> On my cosignhost, I have a second factor configured that simply checks a 
> group to determine if the user is a member (based on the login provided):
> factor /var/cosign/scripts/cosign-validgroup -2 login
> ...My concern centers around a potentially "misconfigured" client machine, 
> one with CosignProtected content that doesn't specify the second 
> CosignRequireFactor (or any CosignRequireFactor for that matter).  Is it 
> possible for that client to bypass the second factor?  In my limited testing, 
> the second factor always seems to be processed but I'd appreciate 
> confirmation.

Cosign factors are tied to the form input fields sent by the browser. Your 
"factor" configuration line above says the cosign-validgroup factor should be 
executed any time the user submits a form with the "login" input field in it, 
which is required with every authentication attempt, including reauth.


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