Hello Listers

I have discovered through my research, that there were many 'Stills'
within the county and those with them, were fined. I'm curious to
know, if you have discovered such with your family and if so, what
townland it may have been in?

One thing that I have discovered, the landlord of my
great-grand-father, would not evict his tenants, because they were
found with a still. Instead, he encouraged his estate manager to
promote the drinking of ale.

I thought this might be a topic for discussion after finding the
following article......

from the International Record of Medicine and General Practice
Clinics, Volume 49 (on Google Books)

edited by Edward Swift Dunster, Frank Pierce Foster, James Bradbridge
Hunter, Charles Eucharist de Medicis Sajous, Gregory Stragnell, Henry
J. Klaunberg, Félix Martí-Ibáñez 1889


In the counties of Tyrone and Londonderry, Ireland, the use of ether in
the place of whisky, as an intoxicant, has become prevalent, to such a
degree that the synod of the Church of Ireland have addressed the
authorities with a petition, in favor of the restriction of traffic in
ether. In Londonderry, the police have reported a wide extension of
the habit, and the insane asylum records recognize the practice as
becoming one of the contributory causes of insanity. In Tyrone, ether
drinking has been less common, and has not been considered to have any
causative bearing on mental disease.

(my note- how horrible!)
all the best in your research ~ Teena
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