Sorry folks!  It was your webmaster's error!

Somehow my fingers provided a very incorrect link.

Please forgive me and try once more.


Jim McKane
South Bruce Peninsula, Ontario

On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 11:12 PM, PD & LE Strong <>

> I too am a bit mystified.  I have just been subscribed by Jim McKane of
> the CoTyroneList, but I cannot find the link which allows you to browse the
> postings. When you follow the link which Lindsay Graham provided to
> subscribe to this list, the target page asks you to”simply Click Here to
> Complete the form”.  You then get a dialogue saying “Server not Found”.  If
> Nancy is attempting to subscribe to this list, she will have a problem.
> I have sent a post to a thread “GRAHAMs from County Tyrone” in which
> Lindsay Graham and Rita Snyder were participating.  Hope they got it…. no
> reply.
> Phil
>          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>    Name    :    Philip Strong
>    Email   :
>    Location:    Blue Mountains,NSW Australia
>    Websites: STRONG, LANE,
>    ******************************************
> On 1 Aug 2017, at 12:34 PM, Lindsay Graham <> wrote:
> Yes, it is confusing, isn't it, Nancy!
> My understanding (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong) is
> that:
>    - this "original" list is called the *CoTyroneIreland* mailing list
>    (abbreviated in subject headings as [CoTyIre]) and one
>    subscribes/unsubscribes through Rootsweb at http://lists.rootsweb.
>    <>
>    -- that page says "There is a Web page for the CoTyroneIreland mailing list
>    at"; <> but I
>    believe that's incorrect and needs to be changed;
>    - the "new" list is called (just to add to the confusion) the *CoTyroneList
>    *or the * <> *mailing
>    list (abbreviated in subject headings as [CoTyroneIreland]) and one
>    subscribes/unsubscribes through the website at
>    <> -- it is this "new" list
>    that is now associated with the website and one receives emails through
>    this list about website content and updates; and
>    - if you're interested, there are 2 other Rootsweb mailing lists
>    dealing with County Tyrone -- they are called IRL-Tyrone and NIR-Tyrone but
>    appear to be pretty well defunct, as they've had only 2 messages each
>    during 2017.
> Hope this helps to unravel the confusion -- and I have posted this to both
> lists so that we are all in the picture.
> Lindsay Graham
> Canberra, Australia
> On 1/8/17 11:17, Nancy McLaughlin wrote:
> And I must admit that I am totally confused!
> Jim McKane's mailing list associated with his webpages on Co Tyrone is the
> one I wish to belong to....
> Presumably that is this list....but what is it called?
> And what is the other list called?
> Nancy McLaughlin.
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 2:06 PM, Lindsay Graham <> 
> <>
> wrote:
> I have no idea whether anyone is 'harvesting' email addresses, and I don't
> really want to get involved in that discussion.
> But, whether we like it or not, there are now 2 County Tyrone lists.
> Subscribing to both lists is, to me, a no-brainer if you are interested in
> County Tyrone research.  That does not show any disloyalty to Rootsweb at
> all.
> Yes, it's a pity that there are now 2 lists.  I've seen that happen before
> (in a non-genealogy list) and it was made very much worse by open conflict
> -- be thankful that we have been spared most of that on the County Tyrone
> lists.
> If the Jim referred to in an earlier message is Jim McKane, I think you'll
> find that his contributions (including announcements and discussion about
> the content of the website <>) 
> are *all *on the
> [CoTyroneIreland] list.  As I've said before, if you are interested in that
> website or in County Tyrone generally, it would be foolish not to subscribe
> to both mailing lists.
> I hasten to add that I do not know any of the people involved and have no
> brief for either list -- just interested in County Tyrone.
> Lindsay Graham
> Canberra, Australia
> On 31/7/17 03:19, E. Fosbrooke-Brown wrote:
> Harvesting email addresses is dubious.
> Subscribing someone to a list without their permission is plain wrong.
> The information given about the reasons for the new list is incorrect.
> It could be just clumsiness, but it could be something worse. Be wary.
> Elisabeth
> Family: Johnstons of Coagh Co. Tyrone, and later Belfast
> ---
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