We will be leaving for Ireland soon, and I would like to visit places where my 
ancestors might have been and also gather more information. I know that my line 
goes back to Alexander Hanlin, who was born in 1741 in Tyrone County, married 
Nancy Stewart in 1761, had 7 children, and died in 1791. His wife left in 1792 
for America with all 7 children and they settled in Pennsylvania.

I would live to find some church records, ship passenger lists, etc to find out 
more about him. I have information about the Hanlin clan that goes to the 
1600’s, including the famous Redmon O’Hanlon, but nothing with a direct link to 
Alexander. I would love to find out who his parents were and exactly what part 
of Tyrone County he lived in and where he might have gone to church. I am 
assuming that they were Protestant, since that is what they were when they came 
to America. I am also confused about whether he was from Omagh or Armagh. The 
records say Omagh, Tyrone County, but the Hanlin clan I believe was from 
Armagh. Was Armagh in County Tyrone back then?

I plan to visit PRONI when we are in Northern Ireland and possibly the Mellon 
Center for Migration Studies. Can you shed any light on where to find more 
information on Alexander Hanlin and/or on places to contact or visit when we 
are in Ireland?


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