I am looking to expand my knowledge of my 3rd great grandfathers family from 
Tyrone.  Your help would be greatly appreciated. 

A year ago my wife and I had a wonderful time visiting the Newtownstewart area. 
With the much appreciated support of you Listers plus my findings through 
Ancestry and other sources I was able to follow my tree back to John fairly 

Now I would like to find out where John came from, if he had any relatives that 
lived in the area, and finally if there are any living relatives in Ireland (or 
England, Scotland)

I have already posted some information about John, but here is a summary. 

John Chambers (1796-1867)
Martha Maclear (1794-1866) his wife 

( by the way, the Maclear family has been easier to trace back)

They lived in Newtownstewart, had three children (Thomas, Mary Ann, and George) 
and in fact died right there in Newtownstewart. 

Thomas and Mary Ann emigrated to America (NYC) and I have been successful in 
documenting their families pretty thoroughly. George moved to Dublin and I was 
successful in documenting his life ( he just made the 1901 census!) 

Ok, your turn. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. 

Tom Chambers

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