
Can  you tell me what regiment he fought in in the War of 1812  in Canada? Do 
you know if was in the 100th regiment of foot? The name is familiar to me?


Ron McCoy

On 2019-12-20 1:41 p.m., Josie Turbach via CoTyroneList wrote:
Re: CoTyroneIreland.com - New Content - Tyrone Volunteers: A
      List of Officers, 1805

This is great - is anyone aware of similar lists for the group that went to 
Canada to fight in the War of 1812 and/or a list of "enlisted men" (as opposed 
to officers).   My ancestor (William McFadden) is known to have come from 
County Tyrone to fight in that war and then he remained in Canada but none of 
us have been able to find any information about him before that / in Ireland.  
(your website has his obituary listed in the "born in Tyrone buried elsewhere" 
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