Don Quigley is searching to see if his ancestor James Quigley served in, and retired from, one of the several British army units stationed in Pentanguishene, Ontario, in the early 1800s.

James Quigley was born about 1795in Ireland(either Co. Tyrone or Londonderry) and died in 1886 in Tiny, Pentanguishene, Simcoe County, Ontario.

This part of the National Archives (UK) web site might help in Don's search for possible military records on his ancestor:

Also search in: "British Army Pensioners Abroad, 1772-1899," by Norman K. Crowder (Genealogical Publishing Co., 1995). This book is indexed and listed as a database on under "U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s."

Also search in"British Army Service Records, 1760-1915"

Military records of service and pensions are also available at the National Archives in Ottawa, Ontario ("Library & Archives Canada"). See their pages on "British Military and Naval Records" which have been digitized and indexed, starting with the introduction here:

Archives Canada has a function for "Ask Us a Genealogy Question" that might be additionally helpful in a military records search.

No single source has ALL the available British military records. It takes a wide net of research to find all the data scattered in different locations.

Since military research can be tedious and time-consuming, you might want to enlist professional help. Fifteen years ago (c2005-2006), military researcher R. W. "Bob" O'Hara of Kew, England, helped find records on my Irish relative who served in the Royal Artillery in the 1800s. Mr. O'Hara did an excellent job and we were very appreciative of the records he found. You can contact R. W. O'Hara via his web site:


Don has written that James Quigley was born c. 1793-1801 (per his age as listed in Canadian census records and his death record). In Canadian censuses, James said that he was born in Ireland -- no specific location. Looking at his age in those records, I'd say he was born in the mid-1790s and not as late as 1801 (a late birth date that's indicated by only one census record: 1861). The majority of evidence indicates a mid-1790s birth year.

The "Record of Interments" (deaths/burials)of St. Ann's Catholic Church says that James Quigley died August 17th 1886 at age 91, so he was born about 1795. His birth place was recorded as "Londonderry, Tyrone Co., Ireland." The listing looks like "Tyrone Co., Ireland" was written first, and "Londonderry" was added before those words, as an additional place name.

This death entry makes James' birth place debatable, since there is no parish, townland or village called "Londonderry" in County Tyrone. Londonderry is another county on the north/northeast side of, and adjacent to, County Tyrone. It contains the city of Londonderry, commonly called "Derry."[See the original handwritten church register of St. Ann's Catholic Church in the database: "Ontario, Canada, Roman Catholic Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1760-1923."]

If James Quigley's birth place was more definite, it would help in the search for his military records. The place name ambiguity may have come from his relatives remembering where he was FROM, as opposed to where he was BORN. He may have been born in Co. Tyrone, but lived as an adult in Co. Londonderry or the city of Londonderry. Or, vice versa.

Irish emigrants are often recalled as being from their port of departure rather than their actual birth place. I've seen many cases of a person being from "Belfast" or "Dublin" (and fervently declared by descendants to be from those home origins) when the man or woman was actually from Portadown / Aughnacloy / Minterburn / Omagh / Fivemiletown / Benburb or other non-port-of-departure home town.

Good luck with your military records research --

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