I *think* i may have isolated this issue to a client version- though it 
doesn't make sense to me why the sqoop plugin isn't working. I'm going to 
try upgrading my client libs to the newest version.

On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 4:03:07 PM UTC-4, Corey Nolet wrote:
> Would it possible for someone to provide me with an effective example on 
> how to use the TapClient in couchbase/memcached with a couchbase server 
> installation?
> I've been banging my head against the wall for days on this. I need to be 
> able to dump out my couchbase keys/values every hour into HDFS so I can 
> map/reduce over them. I'm using CDH3u4 and the Sqoop connector is freezing 
> up when it begins its map/reduce job. I do not have the luxury of updating 
> to the Sqoop CDH4 version unfortunately but I've seen people complaining of 
> the same problems with that version.
> What I've tried is using the TapClient with both the Couchbase libraries 
> and the spy memcached libraries in java. Even with exponential backoff, I 
> can't seem to get the TapClient to return a message where I can pull off a 
> key and a value (it appears I get 'null" for getNextmessage() even with an 
> appropriate timeout of 5 minutes).
> What can I do to get this to work? I've been using Couchbase behind 
> Twitter Storm to help with caching for CEP. I've also been using it as a 
> real-time query engine of the underlying CEP cache with ElasticSearch for 
> my customer. If I can't dump the data out to HDFS directly, then I may need 
> to look at other options. I am trying to stay away from views because I 
> want to hit memory directly. I'd also like to preserve data locality if 
> possible (connect directly to memcached or tell couchbase exactly which 
> node(s) i'd like to retrieve keys from.
> What are my options here?
> I'm wondering if BigCouch would allow me to do this effectively.
> Thanks much!
> On Monday, March 10, 2014 11:52:57 PM UTC-4, Corey Nolet wrote:
>> I recently tried the Sqoop connector for Couchbase 2 and it doesn't 
>> appear to be working as expected. I have written my own InputFormat here:
>> https://github.com/cjnolet/cloud-toolkit/blob/master/src/main/java/org/calrissian/hadoop/memcached/MemcachedInputFormat.java
>> I haven't gotten a chance to test it yet but I wanted to know if MOXI 
>> would make it hard to get the locality that Im expecting from each of the 
>> memcached instances. When I connect to a memcached instance (backing 
>> couchbase) on port 11211, will each of those memcached instances give me 
>> ALL of the keys in couchbase? or will they only give me the keys that they 
>> contain separately?
>> Thanks!

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