olivier judith writes:

For somes users when they retrieved their email, they arrive in their
mailbox as deleted and they cannot undeleted them.
I watch in their Maildir folder and the message is on the server but with
different filename that other .
Let me explain :
All messagesare stored as a file in vpopmail users folder like this.

but some messages open by some outlook mua appears like this
And they are showed on outlook as deleted.

I think that the problem come from outlook express clients but windows team

Correct. The first message is marked as a read message, that's what ",S" means. The second message is an unread message, one that has not been opened yet. Neither one of them is marked as deleted, as far as the server is concerned.

don't want to hear that and would like to replace mail service ased on Linux
by Microsoft exchange (Critical).

Can someone help me.

You should consider updating your resume.

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