El vie., 26 de jul. de 2019 a la(s) 06:36, Sam Varshavchik
(mr...@courier-mta.com) escribió:
> In this case, courier-imap uses courier-authlib, and its imap and pop3
> configuration files specify which authentication service courier-imap uses

i found only in the "imapd" config file..  as "AUTHSERVICE" but
configuration said that it's only by port.. i have two last questions:

1) event put "AUTHSERVICE143=imapsql" plus "AUTHSERVICE993=imapsql" i
can just put "AUTHSERVICE=imapsql" and will be used for both imap and
imap-ssl ?

2) from what version are supported the sqlite flavour? and why are not
provided before?

i just now want to make something very interesting (not usefull for
performance but very intersting): i want to use sql based users but
throught using pam authentication..

> You are mistaken. courier-authlib does not define the PAM authentication
> service a client that uses courier-authlib uses. This is defined by the
> courier-authlib client.

ok i was in confusion due the mysql/postgres have their configurations
files included... so the service for auth with the "imap/pop3/smtp
clients" are inside each clients.. makes sense from the client-server
behaviour at the library side!.. but well..

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