On 2001.12.30 22:10 Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> David M . Stowell writes:
>> Point. :) I've attached the courierd and authdaemonrc files. Is 
>> there anything else I should be examining at this point?
> authdaemonrc indicates that you've installed all three LDAP, MySQL, 
> and PostgreSQL authentication drivers.  I suspect that none of them 
> are properly configured; and that you don't want to use any of them 
> in the first place. Therefore, set version=authdaemond.plain

Well, after making that change, fixing some SPEs (Stupid Programmer's 
Errors on my part), and finding the documentation from the last time we 
had this conversation, I've gotten over all the humps related to 
installation. Now, I'm trying to send messages from one user to another 
on the server, using variants of the syntax:

        echo "To: raven" | /usr/lib/courier/bin/sendmail (sometimes 
with the -Nsuccess flag)

There are no error messages from the console, but the messages 
disappear into /dev/null without a trace that I can find. I've enclosed 
the tail end of /var/log/maillog, and it seems that the log is 
complaining about the status of the receiveing Maildir, and keeping the 
messages in a queue, yet mailq reveals nothing.

Any thoughts?

David M. Stowell

Attachment: maillog
Description: Binary data

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