
I’ve got a problem with inbound smtp.

Configured and installed courier using the instructions on www.courier-mta.org. After starting the daemon I’ve got a number of processes :

  • Courierd
    • Courierdsn
    • Courieresmtp
    • Courierfax
    • Courierlocal
    • Courieruucp


Next I’ve started the authorization daemon. Configured it to have 2 processes, so I’ve got two of those.

Starting webmail and I can login to my email account. Sending mail to both internal and external addresses works fine. Delivery from local to local works as well.

The only thing that isn’t working is inbound smtp from outside my domain.

I’ve looked in the man pages and found that I have to start esmtpd, which will start a process named couriertcpd.

And so I did, but still nothing works. When I try to connect to port 25 using telnet, I get a connection refused error, so I assumed there is still no process listening on that port. But when I check this assumption with netstatlp, I get the following output:


Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name

tcp        0      0              *:smtp                           *:*                   LISTEN   27173/couriertcpd


So courier is listening on that port, but isn’t accepting any mail.

Can somebody help me?


Thanxs in advance,


M. van der Kolk


P.S. if you need any config files, just tell me and I will put them online


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