Am 2003-10-03 13:29:10, schrieb Jeff Jansen:

>Sorry, I missed that part.  I thought we were talking about the same machine.   
>So you want all the mail to sit there until your cron job triggers courier to 
>send it and which time your demand dialing will kick in and mail will get 
>sent out?

Yes. One time per hour is enough. 

>I think you're going to have to resort to a script hack to make that work with 
>courier.  Anand's idea of changing the MAXDELS variable, restarting courier 
>and then flushing the queue would work.  In that case nothing would get sent 
>until you ran the script.  Then you'd have to reset the variable to 0 when 
>you were done sending.
>I think I would use an iptables rule to stop courier sending out until the I 
>wanted it to.  So something like this:

I was working on it 

>/sbin/iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp -o eth0 --dport 25 -j REJECT
>/usr/lib/courier/sbin/courier flush
>while (`sleep 60`); do
>  PS=`/bin/ps -axww | egrep -c "courieresmtp [0123456789]" `
>  if [ $PS == 0 ]; then
>     break
>  fi
>/sbin/iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp -o eth0 --dport 25 -j REJECT

Nice Script...
I think, this is what I need. 
The weekend I will try it. 

Question:   If it works, can I use your Script to include it into my 
            Debian Installation Handbook 3.0 ?

>Jeff Jansen

Many Thanks and Greetings

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