Wiebke Doerper writes:


I found out some more stuff about my issue, but still no fix.

error is still:

checking for mysql_config... /usr/local/bin/mysql_config
checking for mysql_connect... no
checking for mysql_real_connect... no
configure: error: --with-authmysql specified but no mysqlclient.so

so I thought, maybe the MySQL beta doesn't have mysql_connect anymore or the 
lib is broken or something. What I did then:

strings /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.14.0.0 |grep connect

Seems to be ok. MySQL itself is running, of course, and serving all my domains 
with content. mysql client is installed.

I linked to the libs from other places, /usr/lib, /lib, but that didn't work either.

Do you have mysql development toolkit installed? MySQL runtime support is not sufficient. You must also install the toolkit with the development libraries, include files, etcâ

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