Am 2005-03-11 09:13:36, schrieb Ricky Chan:

> The most popular alternatives are:
> Cyrus - personally I am a big fan of maildir, but I haved used this and 
> one of my mail accounts is on a cyrus IMAP server, it is quite picky 
> about headers being correct and you won't be able to copy a message from 
> Courier to Cyrus if it falls foul of it.

Does not have the features I want...
Need an external pop3 Server and does not have shared Folders.

> UW IMAP - I have used this, Crispin also prepared the RFC 3501 
> (IMAPrev1). Didn't support maildir either (mbox) last time I used it so 
> was a non-starter for me (I have my reasons).

Outdated and crappy.
You can not access your mailbox, if there are messages comeing in.

> BINC - Not a fan of courier if you ever look at the site.  It works very 
> well in many test cases I have used, however some stuff it is quite 
> slow, the author himself acknowledges there is work to be done 
> optimising some areas, definitely less features.

Never tried

> My information of UW IMAP is a bit out of date, but last time I checked 
> it didn't support nearly as many features as cyrus and courier.


> Cyrus strength is also its weakness, it likes to run as a CLOSED system, 
> okay you can get exim to use LTMP to deliver to it but you are stick 
> with local transport agent, imap and pop3 servers.

Thist was my main problem...

> On the other hand courier allows you to use (Indeed I do!) use 
> alternative pop3 (supporting maildir of course).  The file names uses is
> like the names used in MTA such as exim (expecially with ,S= extension 
> to name) and hence more flexibility.

I am using Debian and I have installed


I think, 'courier' is the most perfectly mailserver which exist.

OK, I like to see some more features in "faxmail" but...

> My last comment is I found courier source code very easy to modify to do 
> werid stuff that only I need.


> Ricky


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