Dear All

I run a small courier mail server on a gentoo linux distribution.

When I check mail from a browser using courier sqwebmail I sometimes 
have very slow login.

I have 10 folders in the mailbox and logging in the first time takes 2+ 
minutes. Logout and second login takes 10 sec.

Another smaller account with only 5 folders takes 2 sec. to login. 
(first login)

When I login I run atop on the linux box.

I note that during the long running logins the hard disk, sda, is busy - 
90%+ most of the time.

I believe slow login started a few weeks ago when I tried to open a 
folder with 5000+ mails on the same mailbox from a Thunderbird mail 
client. Thunderbird collapsed and never returned. Later, I deleted the 
5000+ mails from a bash prompt on the linux box.

Any idea on how to get back to 'normal' login times?

I am using courier-0.62.2 on the gentoo linux box

Any help would be appreciated.


Thomas S


courier-users mailing list

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