Jani Ollikainen writes:

On 15.01.2011 03:40, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
# cat testmail.txt | /usr/lib/courier/bin/mailbot -T forward -c UTF-8
-t reply.txt -A 'From: u...@example.org' -s 'Test'
511 Headers specify no receipients.
sendmail: Unable to submit message.

But without -T parameters it works
# cat testmail.txt | /usr/lib/courier/bin/mailbot -c UTF-8 -t
reply.txt -A 'From: u...@example.org' -s 'Test'
A forward is not a reply. -T controls not just how the content of the
generated message is formatted, but also the headers.
When you hit the "Forward" menu item or button in your mail client, the
new message comes up without any listed recipients. Same thing here.

Ok, then I would need to add -A 'To: $VARIABLE' to mailbot line in

After reading documentation there is FROM but "This information may or may not be available to maildrop on your system."

DEFAULTDELIVERY="|| /usr/lib/courier/bin/dotforward
| /usr/lib/courier/bin/maildrop -w 90"

And documentation also says "If the -f option is not given, maildrop looks for the From_ line in the message.".

And when doing `set >/tmp/variables.txt` in .mailfilter I don't see

So if I would like to use -T forward or -T forwardatt in mailfilter
to send auto replies what is needed?

You should have $SENDER available.

And, once again, make sure that you fully understand how all your manufactured shell scripting needs to quote its variables. Otherwise, you'll have an exploitable security hole on your hands.

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