>Lindsay Haisley writes:
>>If I reject an email using ~/.mailfilters/rcptfilter I can include and
>>error code in the echo'd message and this will be used as the error code
>>in a rejection notice returned to a corresponding SMTP server.  Is there
>>any way to do this for the content filter, ~/.mailfilters/smtpfilter?
>>It seems that the error returned is always an error code 558.  e.g.:

On 06.04.12 18:01, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>Yes. The problem is that the smtpfilter is, like rcptfilter, is per-
>recipient. But this SMTP transaction error code is for the entire 
>message. You can only return a single error code. And if different 
>recipients' smtpfilters return different error codes, then what?

Using pre-data filter could solve this issue. However courier does not 
support such filter and such filter would of course not see the data, 
only connecting IP, helo string and mail from:.

>>I want to mimic as closely as possible a 550 5.1.1 "User unknown" error
>That's in response to a RCPT TO, to smtpfilter.
>>I seem to have gotten onto an exceptionally obnoxious spam list which
>>sends me 5 or 10 spams every hour most of which, for some reason, get by
>>SpamAssassin.  The one characteristic of all of these, for which my
>>smtpfilter rule tests, is that my email address is always spec'd in all
>>caps.  Few if any legitimate correspondents ever do this, and rejecting
>>such email with "I don't exist" seems appropriate.  I'd like the
>>rejection message to resemble a standard 550 5.1.1 error as closely as
>Spamware will not pay attention to this. Spamware will generally 
>interpret any rejection to a SMTP DATA as coming from a content 
>filter of a valid email address.
>Unless this is rising to a level of a DOS attack, and 5-10 an hour is 
>not quite there yet, just let it beat its head against your wall, 
>like that, and ignore it.

and when you could answer '550 5.1.1 "User unknown"' to sender just 
after rcpt to:, it could cause you troubles if you have MX backup 
server running courier, with BOFHSUPPRESSBACKSCATTER set. Such mail 
server would reject further messages for you, because you do not exist 

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