>On 2013-02-22 14:35, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>>>  I've had to reboot a couple of times this last month and due to a change in
>>> Gentoo /var/run is now a link to /run which is a tmpfs filesystem.
>>> The problem is that /run is wiped on each boot - for good reasons - but this
>>> means that /run/courier is not created. When the directory is missing 
>>> courier
>>> fails to start. Would it not be possible to put something like the 
>>> following in
>>> the startup:
>>> if ( ! -d ${PIDFILE%/*} )
>>> then
>>>  mkdir -p ${PIDFILE%/*}
>>> fi
>> Hopefully, that's all that your Gentoo package puts into /var/run.
>> If your package uses the courier.sysvinit script, you can just stick a mkdir
>> -p in there, for now.

On 23.02.13 00:10, Kristian Duus Østergaard wrote:
>The reason I raised it - is that it seems most distro's are moving to having
>/run or /var/run be a tmpfs filesystem.

then, a distro has to take care about /var/run subdirectories
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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