Keith Dart writes:


Greetings. I've been using the courier suite for some time and I really
like it. The imapd outbox feature comes a real handy some times. I also
use spamassassin to filter incoming email. However, some spam does get
through. I was thinking it would be nice to have a generalized feature,
similar to outbox, that allows you to pipe placed messages to another,
configurable program. This way I can create, say, a Spam box that when
I drop a email into it it will invoke spamassassin learn mode on it.

There have been a few comments over the years from folks who've done that simply by running an hourly scripts that takes all files from a maildir and feeds it to something.

Since message delivery to a maildir is an atomic operation, it's fairly reliable. On Linux, you could even use inotify instead of polling, to fetch files that get dropped into a directory.

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