Thank you for your answer.

Actually I am not able to write a courier filter.

I've noticed than sendmail -f rewrites the From: header OR Textlocal  
receives it even if only MAIL FROM: <> contains the specified address.

So now you can send me an SMS!

All the best wishes to you!

Idézem/Quoting Bowie Bailey <>:

> On 10/26/2015 1:21 PM, Szépe Viktor wrote:
>> Good afternoon!
>> I am using an Email-SMS gateway that needs a certain "From:" address.
>> Every message going to a specific account ( needs to be
>> redirected to the SMS provider and From: header should be rewritten to
>> a fixed one.
>> Is it a good idea?
>>  |/usr/sbin/sendmail -f
>> I think a simple alias does not change the message's content.
> I would do that from a .courier or .mailfilter file rather than an alias.
> I had to do something similar for almost the exact same reason.  In my
> case, I also needed to change the info in the From and To headers before
> the email would go through.  I wrote a small Perl script to modify the
> message and re-submit it to the server.
> The user's .mailfilter delivery line looks like this:
> to "| /home/mailuser/"
> There are also a few checks in there to filter out any non-local mail
> that might find its way to the mailbox.
> If you don't need to change the existing email headers, you could use
> your sendmail line from above in place of the perl script.
> --
> Bowie
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Szépe Viktor
+36-20-4242498  skype: szepe.viktor
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