On 2015-11-19 09:58 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:

> A given Linux distribution is going to either package Courier, or
> Courier- IMAP. It makes little sense to package both. As such, a given
> Linux  distribution will need to track the version of only one or the
> other package

This is true, however it doesn't work for third-parties who make generic 
RPMs provided in a single repository for all the RPM distros.

Ajenti's ajenti-v-mail package is a good example of such. Except for the 
courier(-imap) dependency their RPMs work happily across distros. If 
Courier's packages had a sane (semantic) version system then everything 
could be fixed with minor tweaks to Courier's spec files.

The Ajenti example could addressed by adding "Provides: courier-imapd" 
to both the Courier and Courier-IMAP packages so that Ajenti can depend 
on Courier imapd from either package via "Requires: courier-imap" and 
not care about exactly which package. However, if (hypothetically) 
Ajenti-V-mail required version > 0.75.0 or version > 4.16.2 then this 
solution wouldn't really work because RPM "Provides" can't really supply 
version number information without embedding it into the name, and this 
is a hack at best.

Daniel Devine

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