Mark Constable wrote:
> > > 
> > > Would mail clients like Thunderbird need to understand SNI as
> > > well
> > > or would it be up to only the server daemon to present the right
> > > certificate?
> > Both. SNI is a protocol extension. Both the client and the server
> > have to be explicitly coded to support it.
> Thanks for the confirmation. According to this posting in 2011 the
> author noted that Thunderbird does initiate the SSL handshake with
> the hostname in plain text so it probably does do SNI. Promising.

I have used it and I confirm that thunderbird does support SNI and is
able to interact correctly with courier.

> I also found this reference so I'll give it a try, even though the
> custom Debian packages I use most likely do not use GnuTLS.

They don't. You will need to recompile the package using gnutls.

Simply add --with-gnutls to COMMON_CONFOPTS in debian/rules and run
dpkg-buildpackage (you will need the appropiate gnutls library and
header files)

I agree it would be nice to have two different packages providing
courier-ssl in debian with the two crypto libraries. Even if you are
only using the common subset of code,¹ it would be handy to have such
option packaged for switching when new vulnerabilities are found (or
going to be released).

¹ It's quite sad that their configurations aren't compatible, though.

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