2016-03-17 11:49 GMT-04:30 Gordon Messmer <gordon.mess...@gmail.com>:
> Is it executable by the user that esmtpd is running as? Use "ps aux |
> grep esmtpd.pid" to check the UID of the esmtpd process.รง
yes verified, but i not taking on the server side, i'm taking on the client
side, on server side all are ok and are STARTTLS required and cappable
> The web server's ability to read the certificate tells us nothing about
> whether esmtpd can read it. Check the UID of the process, and the
> permissions of the file.
yes, couirer user for daemosn can read! , when i mention its that the
cerfile are corrected due other systems can be used it!
I think you're missing the fact that Courier uses one process to send
> mail and another to receive mail.
I'm taking about the send process, due the server correctly received from
any other except the problem in that specific server (that cannot send
mails to my own server, due requiered TLS)
> A long time ago, I wrote a patch that did provide such a setting, but I
> have no idea if it works any more:
> http://phantom.dragonsdawn.net/~gordon/courier-patches/courier.reqtls.patch
> seem its integrated i revise the code later...
> In any case, you should start troubleshooting by verifying that the
> destination can STARTTLS. Log in to the server where you're sending
> mail and use openssl's s_client to try to connect. Make sure you use
> the hostname of the server which is the MX for eldominio.net.ve:
> openssl s_client -connect eldominio.net.ve:25 -starttls smtp -crlf
response was: CONNECTED(00000003)
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