Sam means that the sendmail program must reside in /usr/sbin follow
some distro specific standar and not in another place like /usr/bin or
/sbin/ or similar..

i have same problem when compiling from sources (around the problem of
DNS that not working)

i got
vnxpos00:/etc/courier# testmxlookup
Soft error.

but i must move manually the sendmail to /usr/sbin due the installer
does not put there the binary

debian put some  binaries in /usr/lib/courier and the user accesible
moved manually to /usr/sbin due installer does not are capable of that
using configure script
Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2016-04-14 6:35 GMT-04:30 Sam Varshavchik <>:
> writes:
>> I am unpacking courier from the sources and use this command line:
>>   $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/courier
>> only that does not install sendmail in /usr/sbin where most other
>> software expects it to be.
>> What to do to get sendmail in /usr/sbin?
> You can use --exec-prefix=/usr/sbin to put all the binaries there.
> But I don't know what "most other software" that is. sendmail is not a
> root-only executable. It can be executed by non-root userids just fine.
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