On Wed 11/May/2016 18:04:46 +0200 Gordon Messmer wrote:
> On 05/11/2016 03:46 AM, MK wrote:
>> What are my options here?
> The one I'd recommend is: Set up the IMAP account on each client.  
> Create a folder structure on the IMAP server that matches the client.  
> Copy the content of each folder from the old, local folders into the new 
> IMAP folders.

Let me add that those operations --except creating IMAP accounts-- can be done
by users using their clients.  The advantage is that they won't have to delete
spam from already vetted local archives.  And two copies are better than one.
However, if they have slow connections, copying can get lengthy.

If you need to do that on the server, for some reason, you have to parse
archived message's header to learn whether they were incoming or outgoing.  Use
dependable, time-honored parsing functions.  If you used fancy delivery recipes
which changed during the time, you're out of luck.  Otherwise, it should be
straightforward to determine whose .Sent and INBOX folders each message has to
be copied to.  You can try and keep Courier's filenames: Since they embed a
timestamp and an inode number, they are likely to be unique.  See

IME it is convenient to subdivide archives by year, for example .Sent,
.Sent.sent-2015, .Sent.sent-2014, ... and similarly for old mail.  YMMV


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